18 May, 2013

Fat Head's Holly Jolly

Cinnamon and spice on the nose and first taste. Actually a rather tasty christmas beer. I'd drink a couple.

16 May, 2013

Lancaster Brewing Hop Hog IPA

Pours an orange amber, quite clear. A persistent lacy head remains. It smells of yeast and maybe grains. Well balanced, but lacking the hop flavor.

An easy drinking ale with a good flavor. Fine if I want something simple but tasty, otherwise not overpowering.

12 May, 2013

Berkshire Brewing Company Coffee Porter

Good coffee nose; poured well worth a lingering off white head. It's a little thin, but I'm drinking it side by side with stones espresso RIS.

I'd give it a 6.5.

11 May, 2013

DuClaw Black Lightning

Pours dark with a light brown head. Initial notes if chocolate, giving way to a sharp evergreen. This is like a light porter or an underhopped black ipa. It's probably like a dark american ale. Pretty tasty and drinkable.

Three Floyds Jinx-Proof Lasher

Pours a rich golden, with a quickly disposing head. Interesting aroma that I font have a name for. More flavorful than most lagers, a bit grainy and then sweet at the end.

Overall, pretty good, but I probably wouldn't buy.

09 May, 2013

Three Floyds Gumballhead

Great fruity, hoppy, pineapple smell. Cloudy orangeish golden. Not as bitter as I've expected, but tasty.

08 May, 2013

Firestone Walker 805

Golden, clear, lacy head. Somewhat sweet belgian nose. There's also a bit of chocolate or roast.

A little watery, weird chocolate belgian flavor. Drinkable, fresh, crisp. Not sure if I'd get it...

Troegs Fresh Hop Ale 78

Actually pretty darn good. Nice balanced fruity hops. Good crisp flavor.I'd buy this.