25 December, 2012


Are you trying to clean up?

Hmm. That's weird.

Hey look- we got a white christmas!

Actually there was a fair amount of snow from 10 o'clock last night into the wee hours of the morning, but it melted off before sunrise. Oh well.

24 December, 2012

Stone Vertical Epic 12.12.12

Pours a startlingly dark black, with a nice mocha head.Smells of holiday spices like you'd find in a Belgian holiday strong dark.

It's passable. Like most spice beers, I'm not a huge fan of the cinnamon, pepper, clove. Mouth feel is well balanced. Wouldn't get it again.

23 December, 2012

Unibroue Ephemere

Pours a delicate publish red, almost like ruby grapefruit juice, with a fine white head that goes to laciness quickly. Smells divine. Belgian notes followed quickly by an elderflower nose with hints if tropical fruit and cranberry sharpness.

As its name would suggest, it's a very lightly flavored beer. Lightly tart with perfumed notes of elderberries.

Don't get it again.

Real Ale Devil's Backbone Tripel

Hazy golden with a tint off orange and no real head to speak of. An almost nectar like sweetness on the nose, with hints of citrus, honeysuckle, and higher alcohols.

Good balance and light flavor, with a bit of the sweetness evident on the nose. Each sip refreshes and leaves a slight after taste of syrupy sweet.

Pretty solid tripel. Get again, if it's reasonable.

20 December, 2012

Melbourn Bros Cherry

Nose of sour cherries- exciting. Lightly carbonated, cherries with a light hint of sour. Pretty good, but I want more sour..

05 December, 2012

Thirsty Dog Brewing Company Cerberus

Pours a cloudy golden, smells a candy like belgian. Set initially, but not cloying. Almost a light grain flavor. Lingers with a sweet, light bitterness got a bit.