28 June, 2013

Spiral baby blanket

My second baby blanket has gone out, but I managed to get a few pictures before we washed it! It was softer and flatter after washing, of course. Many thanks to PJS for sharing the instructions.

The back
 The front
Closeups of said front 

25 June, 2013

CSA Week 03

Today we got:
Turnips 3.25# (52.3 oz),
Kale 14.95 oz, and
Lettuce 9.5 oz on the top row.

Chard 7.45 oz,
Strawberries 10 oz,
Garlic Scapes 2.4 oz,
Mint 2.8 oz, and
Napa 4# (63 oz.) on the bottom.

23 June, 2013

Vietnamese-Style Pickled Spring Turnips and Carrots

I wanted to do a light pickle on some of the turnips, and I found this recipe for what are essentially refrigerator pickles. The batch I made was 2# turnips, 1# carrots, and a 3/4 batch of the pickling solution. We also had some cabbage hearts in the fridge so I prepared them the same way and put them in some leftover liquid. We'll see how they turn out.


FYI, Shade is on the back of the chair because someone had a sausage, egg, and cheese sandwich for breakfast. That's practically Shade bait. Chewbacca is there because he's lovable. 

19 June, 2013

Firestone Walker Wookey Jack

Dark,  dark reddish Brown.  Mostly smells of slightly piney hops,  a little chocolate and a little spice. Smooth.  The chocolate roast and the hops fight for dominance on your palate on a background of rye. The flavors alternate,  and are wonderfully balanced.

Quite a good beer.

18 June, 2013

CSA Week 02

This week we have turnips, Napa cabbage, and lettuce at the top,  bok choy, parsley, Swiss chard, mint, and scallions in the bottom row.
2.5# Turnips
2# 4.8 oz Napa
8.95 oz lettuce
11.15 oz bok choy
4.8 oz parsley
6.65 oz swiss chard
2.35 oz mint
6.4 oz scallions

11 June, 2013

CSA Week 01

I just picked up the first week of our CSA, and this is everything we got. In the bags at the top there we have lettuce on the left and spinach on the right. The bunches from left to right are a hakurei turnips (a sweet spring variety you eat raw), scallions, kale, dill, dandelion greens, and komatsuna (an Asian green in the turnip/cabbage family).

I'm going to do the math at the end of the season,  so here are the weights:

4# Turnips
3.8 oz scallions
10.7 oz kale
2.1 oz dill
10 oz dandelion greens
11.7 oz  komatsuna
7.9 oz lettuce
8.6 oz spinach