12 June, 2014

I'm not sure what this green stuff is, but I bet it will be good with bacon.

I had no idea what to do with the mizuna, so I cooked it with a bunch of other stuff and put it on a hot dog. My logic was that if you cook something with bacon it will be good, and if you put greens on a hot dog it's healthy. Look at me eating healthy food!
I actually made two batches, both with the same ingredients (read as: stuff out of the fridge that needed to be used). The first batch of mizuna stuff made enough stuff for two dogs but had too much citrus in it, so the second, adjusted batch of mizuna stuff turned out better. That one contained two slices of bacon cut into small pieces, four sliced cloves of garlic, four Japanese kumquats cut into small pieces, a little salt, and some adobo cooked for a bit on the stove in maybe a teaspoon of canola oil. After the garlic was cooked I added the cut up mizuna and some of the Greek oregano from the CSA. All of that wilted together and cooked down until it was done (I don't have more precise instructions than that). Voila.

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